Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Surgery Update

Noel's surgery today went great! She is in alot of pain so you can continue to pray that will get better.  The curve in her spine went from 85 degrees to 30 degrees with this surgery (the lower the number the better!) Her heel cords have been lengthened and she'll be in casts for a month, but she should be able to stand again (something she hasn't been able to do in almost two years)! Her tonsils and adenoids have been removed; with all the swelling it's hard to tell if the vocal cord injection worked so please keep praying for her voice. Thank you to everyone who is praying and supporting us. And a big thanks to all the family and friends that we're able to be with us today, you'll never know just how much that meant. Overall all of the prayers have been heard, so keep praying!


Renee Ronika said...

Praying! We love your WHOLE family!

Jory Butler said...

We love you guys and stand with you.

Jory, Shilo, Brandon, and Nathaniel

Steps for Noel

My feet were burning, the sweat started to drip into my eyes and my throat was as dry as a desert; but I didn’t even care. No pain or discom...

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