Friday, February 20, 2009

Back in the Hospital

Well we’re back at The Children’s Hospital, surprisingly 947 looks just like 846. Unfortunately Noel’s tummy is the reason we’re here in the height of Respiratory Season. Please pray that she doesn’t catch a bug while we’re here. Noel has had feeding issues ever since she first got a g-tube in April 07, she then got a nissen which was suppose to stop her throwing up, unfortunately it doesn’t stop the feeling of having to throw up, it just makes it so nothing will come out. So Noel has been retching ever since October 07, the doctors said it should get better within weeks of her surgery; we’re here a year and a half later and things haven’t gotten better, they’ve progressively gotten worse. I have taken her to doctor after doctor to try and get answers and then at some point I just got use to her feeding issues. It wasn’t until this past weekend when I talked with other moms who children have g-tubes that I realized just how bad things are with Noel.
The doctors are talking about placing a G-J feeding tube this tube would bypass her stomach and feed her straight into her jejunum (her small intestines.) If this procedure works properly Noel should be able to eat without retching; something she’s never been able to do. We have tried different formulas, different feed rates, different positions, everything and nothing seems to help. The biggest draw back to the G-J tube is that Noel would have to eat 24/7. Since there isn’t extra room for the food to sit in the small intestines you have to give a small amount of food continuously. The thing is right now with how long it takes her to eat she is almost getting a continuous feed. So we’ll see how things go today, I want then to try and figure out why she’s retching so that way when she is ready to use her stomach to eat we won’t have to go through all of this again. So that’s all for now, but I’ll keep you posted.


Alicia said...

Oh Tina, I'm sorry. I'll be praying for a good outcome that will be the best thing for Noel.



Hope said...

I'm sorry! I'm praying very hard for a great outcome!

Dana said...

Good Luck I hope they can figure it out soon. We will pray for her.

Take care,

John and Jenna Gensic said...

Mikan has the same wretching problem; however, it doesn't occur with every feed. We're going to see a specialist on Tues. I'm wondering if we're looking at the same scenario. I hope you guys find a comfortable solution for her. You're in our prayers.


Natalie Willis said...

Sending lots of prayers and hugs for answers and strength!

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