Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kids Street

So Noel is scheduled to start Kids Street (a special needs day care) in a few days, up till now I have been really excited. I’ve been thinking of all the great things she’ll be able to do, she will get to socialize, get therapy and have experiences that don’t just include me. Well last night I could barely sleep because I was overcome with such a feeling of worry. What if she gets sick, what if the nurses don’t suction her and she plugs off, what if she is crying and she get’s ignored because no one can hear her? I suppose that some of the worry is the same any mother would feel, but for me it’s hard to let someone else be responsible for Noel. Since the day she was born I have been her primary care giver, sure there have been times when I left her with people I really trusted, but that’s only been four people in her whole life (thanks Alissa and Heather!). I hope these are just jitters and not my motherly intuition telling me that this isn’t where she should go. I was thinking we just have to take it one step at time, if it doesn’t work for us we can always try something else.


Dana said...

I would say show up a lot by surprise the first week or so. You could go with her the first couple of days. See how the staff responds to the others children's needs. If she is not wanting to go that may be a sign as well.
I hope it goes well for you. When all is said and done Mother's intuition is usually trustworthy. Good luck. Keep us posted about how it goes.

HeatherP said...

I'm sure everything will be great! You are completely in tune with Noel, so if you feel like she is being ignored or mistreated, don't be afraid to act on it!! We love you girls. You are an amazing Mommy!!

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