Friday, March 13, 2009


Sorry for not posting an update sooner, we have been so busy. Noel got her other chest tube out on Tuesday, yay! And since then she has been a ball of energy. She has been very active and she hasn't been taking a regular nap. I've only had bits of time to myself and it usually gets taken over by doctors or other hospital staff coming to talk about discharge! It looks like we'll be able to go home sometime next week. We will be going to my parents house in Black Hawk so that Noel can stay close to the hospital. She is still on 100% IV nutrition so it's going to take some getting use to having yet another medical component to our life. I just wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers through this time, I have felt and appreciated all of them!


Alicia said...

So glad things are looking up again. I've been hoping no news was good news! Can't wait till you are home again!

Have a great weekend,


Hope said...

Great news on the chest tube! I'm thinking of you guys!

Ann said...

Tina, are you guys out of the hospital yet? I sure hope so.

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