Tuesday, October 28, 2008

YES on 51

Vote YES on 51
Please, please vote yes on 51. Now I’m not telling you who to vote for Barak or McCain, either way I will still love you the same, but please take the time to read what Amendment 51 is all about. To break it down there is a wait list for people with developmental disabilities; it can take months and many times years to make it to the top of the wait list. Which means when people are waiting on the list they are not receiving any medical coverage or any therapies.
The fact that Noel ended up with a trach and vent was not what we ever thought would happen, but honestly in some ways it was a blessing in disguise. Otherwise she would have had to be on the wait list for at least 18 months, she would have had no medical coverage for that period of time; Scott and I would have had to pay out of pocket more that $3,000 a month for her feeding supplies alone, that is almost twice as much as our mortgage. So that would have meant in that time alone we would have had to pay $54,000 just for her to eat! In all Noel’s medical bills cost more than $80,000 a year and that doesn’t even include doctor’s visits, therapies or hospitalizations. The things is that Noel does receive the funding she needs for her medical costs, but there are thousands who do not because they are waiting. Don’t you agree that the government should help those who through no fault of their own were chosen to lead special lives?
Now to show you the actual cost: a $12 lunch would cost you $12.02; 2 cents could help those with developmental disabilities. If someone asked you to donate 2 cents wouldn’t you? Well that is all that Amendment 51 is asking so please respond with YES!
"Amendment 51 is a small price to provide vital services for children and adults who, thorough no fault of their own, face tremendous burdens every day just getting by.”
For more information please visit:

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