Monday, May 23, 2011

Hospital Update

Noel's in the Hospital; sadly we knew this was coming. Since Noel isn't eating through her stomach and she's getting all of her nutrition through an I.V. (Central Line) in her arm ANYTIME she has a fever…she has to be admitted to the hospital for a minimum of two days. The reason for this is that she could have a blood infection, the central line in her arm is a hot spot for bacteria to grow and if the bacteria gets into her blood stream she could get really sick really fast. This is one of the MAJOR down falls of her living on TPN (I.V. nutrition) and having a central line; 2 years ago when she had a central line we were in and out of the hospital more times than I can count. This is also why we need to get to Ohio sooner than later, so please pray we get there soon. So right now it just looks like Noel has a cold, she's growing a bacteria in her trach called pseudomonas which gives her cold like symptoms: fever, running nose, cough. So far she has been fever free today which is good news! If she remains fever free we could be heading home on Wednesday. Thank you so much to everyone who is helping out with our other two kiddos and thanks to everyone who is praying for us; you all bless us more than you could know.


1 comment:

Serena Abdelaziz said...

Thanks for taking the time to update everyone, during this busy-stressful time. It's very much appreciated. Make sure whomever is watching your kiddos that our home is also always open, even if just needs to be for a few hours.

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