Just a quick update to let you know that Noel's home! She still not back to 100% but she's on her way to being back to herself. The update on our trip to Ohio is that we're still waiting; waiting for the two Hospital's (Children's here in Denver and Nationwide in Ohio) to exchange information and to then fit Noel into their overbooked schedule. I still have no idea as to a time line; I guess it could be anytime between now and August. We are trying to patiently wait on the Lord and what His plan for our summer will be. Other than Noel's recent "cold" she has been doing great on TPN; she gained 3lbs in two months after not gaining any weight in almost two years! It so bittersweet, it's great to see her thriving and doing great on TPN; But I also know that she CAN'T live on TPN the rest of her life. -TPN increases the risk of having liver disease and damage. Infants and young children on TPN are more at risk for liver disease than older children and adults. The organs of infants and younger children are still developing. They are not as capable of handling the burden and strain that TPN puts on them. Children who are on TPN for a long time are also more at risk than those who are on TPN temporarily or for a short time. Some children who require an intestinal transplant may also receive a liver transplant at the same time due to liver disease associated with their use of TPN. Noel gets blood test once a week to monitor how her livers is doing and it's starting to show some elevated numbers which means that the TPN is starting to affect her liver. So while I see her feeling and looking good, I know the same medicine that's helping her thrive right now is also damaging a vital organ in her body. That's why we need so many prayers and so much support right now; it's not if Noel's in the hospital than she sick and when she's not in the hospital she's healthy; Unfortunately she is a very sick little girl who needs something big to change in her body so she can live life to the fullest. I know God can do it and that's where I'm putting my Faith.