Friday, March 25, 2011


Thank you for all the prayers they are so appreciated! All your prayers helped make today a good day. The doctors made a quick decision (which I didn't think was possible) and decided the best "Plan" is to put Noel on TPN for an extened amount of time. This is good and bad. Good because Noel will finally get full nutrition, Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a way to feed someone through their veins when they can't get feed through their stomach. This is why she had to get a PICC line today; a PICC line is a semi-permanent I.V. She can come home with the PICC line and it can stay in her arm for up to two months. This means she will be getting TPN at home. She had to go under anesthesia this afternoon while they put the PICC line in. She did awesome and everything went great. So now the bad part; Noel will now be more at risk for getting an infection because of the PICC line. This means that she could get a blood infection very easily, if the PICC line isn't cleaned right or if some bacteria gets into the line she can get really sick really fast. So we still need lot's of continued prayers. She's had a similar PICC line in the past, at one point she was on TPN for 9 months; so none of this will be new to me but it does make an already hard job of taking care of her harder. I'm convinced that her Muscle disease effects her stomach and we'll just have to make progress little by little with trying to get it to work properly. But now at least she'll be gaining weight and getting the nutrition she so desperately needs.

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