Friday, August 7, 2009

"Super" Infection

Noel is back in the hospital, she was discharged on Tuesday afternoon and was back in the hospital on Wednesday night at 11:00. We finally have some answers; to start with she has adenovirus, which is a respiratory virus that can also cause other complications. Noel is suffering from some of those complications, her intestines have shut down and she's had a lot of discomfort, she's on day 8 of fevers and she's dehydrated. The doctors think she has adenovirus on top of somethings else, they just don't know what else yet. She has been anemic for a while now, (since March) and that is also concerning because they've had to take a large amount of blood for all the cultures. She'll probably end up getting another blood transfusion to help get her iron levels up again. All in all she's one sick little girl; I haven't seen her look this bad ever. Unfortunately since it's a virus all we can do is treat the symptoms and wait for it run it's course. Poor girl I wish I could make her feel better and I wish she didn't have to go through all of this, it's so hard seeing your little girl so sick.


Gina said...

I'm so sorry :( Praying for you both.

Alicia said...

Oh gosh Tina, I am praying SO hard for Noel. I am so sorry she is having to suffer through this, as well as you. We will miss you this weekend but please know we are thinking of you always.



John and Jenna Gensic said...

Poor Noel. I hope she feels better soon. Seeing your child suffering is so difficult. We're praying for you guys.


Dana said...

I'm praying. Keep us posted.

Ayden said...

Oh man Tina... I sure hope she fights through this thing soon... ((hugs))

The Shinnicks said...

Hi, Tina - I'm glad I saw you the other week, but I wish it was under better circumstances! Praying for you and Noel. I'll be back at work this week and will try to check on you.

Steps for Noel

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